• Question: Can anyone of you build a PC?

    • Keywords:
    Asked by ToastWithoutJam to Iulia, Katie, Mateusz, Ollie, Siobhan on 13 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Iulia Motoc

      Iulia Motoc answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      Yeah, building a PC should not be a difficult task. I think most people should know how to at least assemble a PC, as this can be a very useful skill.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      Yep, I’ve built, rebuilt and fixed a number of PCs and laptops in my time 🙂 Because I mostly use laptops, I had to replace a hard drive in one just a couple of months ago 🙂

    • Photo: Katie Pavey

      Katie Pavey answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      Hi ToastWithoutJam (love the name!)

      Yes, I’ve built / assembled a few PCs over the last couple of years. If it’s something you are interested in, it’s a great way to learn a bit more about how a computer works.

    • Photo: Siobhan Duncan

      Siobhan Duncan answered on 15 Mar 2017:


      PCs can just be build from parts, you can either build them from new parts or you can reuse parts from computers people don’t want, or from computers where only some parts are broken!

      It just costs money, so anyone with access to money can do it 🙂

      Otherwise you need to find a way to get parts for free, like when companies upgrade all their computers, they sometimes let you take the old ones.
