• Question: do you think that one day we could be replaced by robots and droids?

    Asked by amy2004+sidney2005 to Iulia, Katie, Mateusz, Ollie, Siobhan on 13 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Iulia Motoc

      Iulia Motoc answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      I don’t think that will happen any time soon. Probably it will never happen. We will replace humans with robots only for certain jobs. For example, for dangerous jobs, you would prefer to destroy a robot (which can be replaced), than to kill a human.

      For the rest of the jobs, I think robots will just be good companions or assistants for humans.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      That’s a common fear with people I talk to.

      Plenty of things we do manually today can, and probably will be automated. It’s for the good of all of us. For example, it used to be that you’d call to a switchboard first, where humans would have to manually connect you to whomever you want to talk to. That kind of job now happens automatically. And it would be a complete nightmare if we had that old system for the internet – there just wouldn’t be enough people to make all of those connections manually!

      For a lot of other things we still prefer humans. Raising children is a common example of this – robots are not nearly as creative as people when it comes to both having fun and learning new stuff!

      Obviously, we can’t predict the entire future, but for now, I don’t see any android robots running around the city, replacing people,

    • Photo: Katie Pavey

      Katie Pavey answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      I hope not! In all honestly I think we are a long way off from making a robot that is as adaptable as a human.

      Robots are great for repeating a set of instructions over and over, much quick, faster and stronger than humans. However, as soon as they encounter something not included in the instructions they quickly stop working.

      I think our lives will become easier as robots will take over more of the dull and repetitive jobs there are today, but taking over completely – I don’t think so.
